Sunday, October 19, 2008

Agency for the Development of the Oppressed through Relief and Education

Beloved believers in Christ,

Greetings in the most precious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We write this letter to introduce the ADORE-AWAZ Mission, for your prayer support and financial co-operation.

ADORE is an ecumenical missionary organization registered in Kerala under the Charitable Societies Act. Since 1984 we have been working among the poor and down trodden tribals and dalits of the remote villages of North India. After working among the Satnamese, a dalit community of the Chattisgarh region of the then Madhya Pradesh, we moved on to the tribal and backward areas of Orissa. Adv.P.A.Cyrus and Bro.S.K.Abraham were the pioneers.

Our aim is to spread the message of the Kingdom of God among the oppressed and depressed villagers of India and to liberate them from all sorts of social, economical and spiritual bondages, they have-been undergoing for centuries, and to enable them to become part and parcel of the Kingdom of God, inaugurated and witnessed to by our Lord Jesus, during his ministry on earth(ref Lk:4:18,19).

The front line activists' fellowship is known as 'AWAZ', which in Hindi means voice. They are the voice of God among the poor people. They also function as the voice of the voiceless. The supporting team remaining in Kerala is 'ADORE1, which is a registered organization as already indicated.

At present the activities of the ADORE-AWAZ mission are mainly concentrated in two districts of Orissa, namely Rayagad and Gajapathy. Our mission strategy is to run hostels for the very poor dalit and tribal children coming from interior villages without any educational facilities. Along with education we also give them Bible training, so that they become good human beings and useful citizens of the Kingdom of God. Besides educational activities, evanaglization efforts are also carried out among the villagers.

Our main hostel at Jimidipeta accommodates 55 students. We also run 3 small hostels of varying number of students in rented buildings at various places of the above districts where schools are available. At present around ten persons are working with us as Wardens, Evangelists and Social workers. As a result of their ministry, worshipping communities (fellowships) have emerged at more than twenty villages.

In addition to the above, adult education programmes for the illiterate villagers are conducted in many villages to make them literate. Conscientisation activities against alcoholism, illicit brewing of liquor,casteism and other social evils are also part of our ministry.

There is need fop maintaining the existing ministry and continuing the evangelization efforts. What we need is your prayer and financial participation. Let us join together in this glorious ministry of the Kingdom of God.
Please uphold the ADORE-AWAZ mission in your valuable prayers and donate liberally for the ministry. You may sponsor students by paying Rs.7500/- an year or render occasional financial assistance. Those who wish to be sponsors may fill up sponsorship forms. A/C payee Cheques/Drafts may be drawn in favor of 'Adore, S.B account No.57034230126,SBT,Kollam Main

with warm regards and prayers. May the almighty Lord keep you and your families safe and sound, and enable you to do the will of God.

Yours in Christ's Love,

Prof.A.V.Itty (President)
Phone No:0479-2300750

Dr. Koshy George, Kollam (Secretary)
Phone No:0474-2741010

K.J.John,Kollam (Treasurer)

Field Address:
ADORE Hostel
Jimidipeta P.O,Rayagada Dist,
Orissa-765 002
Phone No:06856-27l654
Email: adore

Reg.No.Q.181/84 AlummoottilAnnexe
Pattathanam, Kollam, Kerala, lndia-691 021
Phone -0474-2746816